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Review PCA history & treatment

To understand the review options for PCA history and PCA treatment first we should define each type.


PCA history:  This is a running total of total volume infused, bolus attempts, bolus given and Clinician bolus given.


The time period over which PCA history is shown is the same time period you have set for your cumulative limit.  This is either 24/12/8/6/4/2/1 hours.


If no cumulative limit has been set then the PCA history will run over a 24 hour period.


NOTE  PCA history cannot be reset or wiped manually.  It will only reset automatically based on the cumulative limit period you have chosen.


PCA treatment:  Again, this is a running total of total volume infused, bolus attempts, bolus given and Clinician bolus given.


The difference between PCA treatment and PCA history is that the PCA treatment time period is since the treatment began.  it is not defined by the time period set in the cumulative limit.


As an example, if you have set a cumulative limit over one hour and your infusion has been running for eight hours then the PCA history will show the infusion data for the past one hour while the PCA treatment will show the infusion data over the past eight hours.


The PCA treatment can also be reset or wiped.


NOTE  If the PCA treatment is reset or wiped for any reason, such as a shift change, then the PCA history will still retain this information.  A note will also be shown in the PCA event log stating "Reset PCA Treatment".


What information is shown in the review screens?


The PCA treatment screen is a basic, single screen, review option.


It shows the following:


  • Total volume infused

  • Total infusion duration

  • Number of bolus attempts

  • Number of boluses given

  • Number of Clinician bolus


If required the PCA treatment infusion data can be cleared by unlocking the pump, going to the PCA treatment screen using the menu and selecting "clear".


An example screen is shown below.


If you do clear the infusion treatment information a note of this is shown in the PCA event log as shown below.  The treatment information will, however, be kept and shown in the PCA history if cleared.


In the example below a one-hour cumulative limit has been set.


You can see when comparing the PCA treatment and PCA history review screens at one hour and two minutes that the PCA history is only showing infusion data from the past hour whereas the PCA treatment shows infusion data for the full one hour and two-minute duration.


PCA history is a multi-screen review option.


The initial screen accessed by pressing the history quick key on the front of the pump shows the following:


  • History duration period (equal to your cumulative limit period)

  • Total volume infused

  • Number of bolus attempts

  • Number of boluses given


NOTE  Clinician boluses given is not shown on this initial PCA history review screen.


If further review is required then the enter key can be pressed.  This takes you to the full treatment in progress history.


In this section, you use the zoom keys to choose a time period to review.  Your time period options are 24/12/8/6/4/2/1 hours.


Once you have chosen your review period use the arrow keys to move through the whole treatment in progress by this period.  e.g. one hour.


When in this advanced review section you will see the following infusion information for your selected time period:


  • Total volume infused

  • Number of bolus attempts

  • Number of boluses given

  • Number of Clinician bolus


The duration of the whole treatment in progress is shown in the top left of the screen.


Is there a maximum period the pump will record infusion data over?


This again depends on the review screen you view.


In PCA history the maximum period that will be recorded and shown is 24 hours.  After the first 24 hours, you will only see the past 24 hours of infusion data.


As an example, after 28 hours you will not see the first 4 hours of infusion data anymore in the PCA history review screens.


In PCA treatment there is no maximum record period.  If your infusion has been running for 28 hours then you will see the totals over the past 28 hours.


NOTE  If you clear the totals in the PCA treatment then you will only see the period since your last reset.


An example is shown below of an infusion that has been running for more than 24 hours.  Note in the PCA history only 24 hours of infusion data is shown while in PCA treatment over 24 hours infusion data is shown.


The differences between PCA history and PCA treatment review screens are shown below in the video.

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