Tips & tricks
Below are some tips and tricks for using the Agilia Connect infusion devices that may help you and your patients.
Looping the administration set
When using the Agilia VP MC you may loop the administration set and insert it into the clip on the left hand side of the pump.
This may help to minimise kinking of the set as it exits the pump.
Jump to Max or Min rate
To quickly jump to the maximum or minimum rate allowed by your drug protocol or configuration press the double up/down arrow quickly followed by the single up/down arrow.
Preventative silence
To stop the device from alarming audibly you can press the silence key BEFORE performing the action which would normally result in the audible alarm.
An example of this may be using preventative silence before opening the Agilia VP MC door to change the administration set. If you have a resting patient this may help to avoid disturbing them. Ensure the pump is not actively infusing before using preventative silence.
Changing the VTBI while running
On the Agilia VP MC you can change the VTBI without stopping the pump.
This may be of use with inotropes such as Dopamine where you do not wish to stop an infusion but need to change a bag.
Night mode
Night mode may be available on your device either through the menu or may have been set to automatically come on and off based on your devices configuration settings.
When night mode is enabled it will dim the screen brightness, dim the running LED's brightness and turn off key beeps. Night mode is designed to minimise disruption to sleeping patients.
Contact your local Fresenius Kabi Clinical Support Specialist if you do not have night mode enabled but would like it enabled.
Alarm & alert volume
Alarm & alert volumes are defined by an International Standard called IEC 60601-2-24 Ed 2.0.
This means all of the Agilia Connect infusion devices must comply with this Standard.
The Standard dictates that the "volume of auditory ALARM SIGNALS shall generate a sound-pressure level of at least 45 dBA at 1 metre". This means that even our lowest priority alarm cannot be any quieter than 45 dBA.
As shown below the alarm volumes for the Agilia SP MC, as an example, comply with the minimum dBA level of 45 dBA for our lowest priority alarm:
The alarm volume can be changed by the user through the menu as shown below. Please note this option may have been disabled in your pump configuration by senior hospital staff.
Stacking up to 3 devices together
We recommend stacking no more than three devices together which could yield a maximum weight of 8.1kg. Please follow your hospital's protocol on manual lifting.
Any Agilia VP MC, SP MC, SP TIVA or SP PCA can be stacked together for transport, or before fixing them to an IV pole.
The video guide below will show you how to connect devices together.
Using the Agilia Duo
The Agilia Duo double power adapter allows two Agilia devices to be powered by one power cord.